Asian Under-8 champion R Praggnanandhaa of Chennai won the National Under-7 Chess Championship with a sweeping score of 11/11 score at Puducherry on July 24, 2012. He had won the title with a round to spare making it a one horse race for the title. Finally, he ended 2-points ahead of the field
The Girls section saw Divya Deshmukh of Maharashtra win with a 9.5/11 score. Here all players were defeated in atleast one game. Unrated Divya won by a one point margin.
The top three players will represent India in the Asian and World Under-8 Championships of 2013.
The Pondicherry State Chess Association organised the event smoothly. Chennai's R Srivatsan was the Chief Arbiter. The Chief Minister visited the event and inaugurated one of the rounds. The Sports Minister inaugurated the event. V Sabapathy, Speaker, Puducherry Legislative Assembly and Bharat Singh Chauhan, Honorary Secretary, AICF distributed the prizes. Trophies and cash prizes totalling Rs.1.50 lakhs were distributed.
Final placings (tie-break order):
Boys: 1 R. Praggnanandhaa (TN) 11/11; 2 Mahitosh Dey (Odi) 9; 3-4. Manthan Datta (Asm), G. Gnanasabesan (TN) 8.5 each; 5-11. Rishabh Anand (Odi), Rishabh Gokhale (Mah), B. Sriram (TN), Arka Bhakta (WB), Sudhanshu Nikam (Mah), Sathya Roopan (TN), Nikhil Mohanty (Odi) 8 each...139 players.
Girls: 1 Divya Deshmukh (Mah) 9.5/11; 2-3. Rakshitta Ravi (TN), Aditi Mohanty (Odi) 8.5 each; 4-7. Chinnam Vyshnavi (AP), Bhagyashree Patil (Mah), Jesica (Del), R. Mohana (TN) 8 each; 8 Ayantika Das (WB) 7.5...70 players.
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