Thursday, March 8, 2012

Ni Hua walked through the 2nd HDBank Cup Open

The Vietnam Chess Federation held the 2nd HDBank Cup Open Chess tournament 2012 on 1-8th March in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Former Asian champion GM Ni Hua drew the 2nd seed GM Nguyen Ngoc Truong Son in the final round and secured the overall tournament victory with the exceptional score of 8 points from nine games.

The rating favourite GM Le Quang Liem defeated his compatriot GM Cao Sang and claimed second place with 7.5 points, full point ahead of the followers but half a point short from the winner.
The 9-round Swiss event featured 93 players from 14 federations, among them being 15 Grandmasters.

Grandmasters Yu Yangyi and Wen Yang shared the first place in the 1st HDBank Cup Open 2011.

Final standings:
1. GM Ni Hua CHN 2637 – 8
2. GM Le Quang Liem VIE 2698 – 7.5
3. GM Nguyen Ngoc Truong Son VIE 2662 – 6.5
4. Wan Yunguo CHN 2441 – 6.5
5. IM Nguyen Van Huy VIE 2485 – 6.5
6. GM Xiu Deshun CHN 2492 – 6.5
7. GM Tu Hoang Thong VIE 2416 – 6.5
8. IM Gao Rui CHN 2417 – 6
9. IM Le Quang Long VIE 2336 – 6
10. WGM Pham Le Thao Nguyen VIE 2351 – 6

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