Thursday, March 8, 2012

Hoang The sole leader!

Hungarian player Thanh Trang Hoang became the sole leader after the sixth round. Her opponent Olga Girya decided to change the queens and transfer the game to the knight endgame which happened to be more pleasant for Hungarian player, who succeeded to convert her advantage into the full point. On the first board Cristina-Adela Foisor played a bit passive and let her opponent Marie Sebag get the position with advantage. 
Under the time trouble French player proposed a draw even her position was still with clear winning chances. Valentina Gunina, who had Black pieces against Antoaneta Stefanova, gave away two pawns trying to receive some contra play instead. Former world champion grabbed the material and got the position with clear edge but her inaccurate play let the Black pieces to find the way to White's king.
Before the free day the leader Thanh Trang Hoang has 5,5 points in her pocket. Four other participants Marie Sebag, Valentina Gunina, Cristina-Adela Foisor and Viktorija Cmilyte are half a point behind.

Standings after Round 6
RankSNo. NameRtgFEDPtsratPBH.-1BH.vict    
121GMHOANG Thanh Trang2438HUN272716½195    
27GMSEBAG Marie2512FRA5268522254    
38IMGUNINA Valentina2511RUS526831921½4    
431IMFOISOR Cristina-Adela2398ROU526672020½4    
59GMCMILYTE Viktorija2497LTU5265819225    
66GMKOSINTSEVA Tatiana2513RUS258620½23½4    
71IMMUZYCHUK Anna2583SLO257118½213    
820IMKHURTSIDZE Nino2447GEO253418½214    
93GMLAHNO Kateryna2546UKR251415½183    
1029WGMPAIKIDZE Nazi2406GEO236516183 

Full Standings Click here

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