Monday, September 10, 2012

Ferocious Knights are the Champions of CCL 2012

Chromepet chess academy (CCA) conducted Team Chess Championship  & Internal open championship on  8-9-2012 to 9-9-2012 at the CCA premises.

Ferocious Knights(Champions of CCL 2012)
Ferocious knights were the runners-up in the last year CCL team championship. But this time they proved & clinched the ccl 2012 title.

Rocking rooks(Defending champions) finished runners up with the point of 23.5.

King of Kings and Warriors finished 3rd & 4th spot in the league.

Rising Star Awars:


2.K.Keerthivasan(Ferocious Knights)
3.V.Abilaash(Rocking Rooks)
4.V.Aarthi(King of Kings)
5.G.Sundhar Chokkalingam(King of Kings)
6.N.Arvind(Rocking Rooks)
7.Dheekshith(Rocking Rooks)
8.V.K.Vikaash(Ferocious Knights)

Team Points Table

Ferocious Knights25
Rocking Rooks23.5
King Of Kings19

Swetha Balaji winner of the Internal Open 2012

Swetha Balaji came first in the Internal open 2012 with the 100% score.

Top 5(Internal Open)

1. Swetha Balaji

Photo Gallery

Rocking Rooks(Runners up) team with 
M.Arun(Consultant in SAP,Infosys) 

All the team players with R.Ve.Krishna founder of CCA

Top ten Players of the Internal Open

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