Thursday, August 2, 2012

Gupta convincing winner of Kavala Open

The 21st Kavala International Open Tournament was held from 25th July to 1st August in Kavala, Greece. The tournament is organized by the Kavala Chess Club and East Macedonia & Thrace Chess Union.
The players were divided in three groups – Open A for those rated above 1900, Open B for the U2000 participants and Open C for U1050 and juniors born after 1.1.2000.
Indian champion Abhijeet Gupta convincingly won the Open A by collecting 7.5/9 points and leaving the nearest followers a full point behind. Gupta takes 2500 EUR from the total of 10.000 EUR prize fund.
Abhijeet Gupta
GM Abhijeet Gupta
Six players shared the 2nd place with 6.5 points each. Among them is the young Italian IM Alessio Valsecchi who assumed the 2nd place on tie-break.
Top placed woman is WGM Jolanta Zawadzka from Poland, while the top U16 and U18 finisher is Kavala’s FM Haralambos Tsakiris, the reigning World Amateur Champion. 79 players competed, full standings bellow.
The Open B had 109 participants. Georgios Harokopakis (GRE 1918) is the convincing winner with 8.5/9 points.
Final Top 10 standings:
1. GM Gupta Abhijeet IND 2627 – 7.5
2. IM Valsecchi Alessio ITA 2425 – 6.5
3. GM Sethuraman S P IND 2535 – 6.5
4. GM Damljanovic Branko SRB 2564 – 6.5
5. IM Azaladze Shota GEO 2484 – 6.5
6. IM Ashwin Jayaram IND 2476 – 6.5
7. GM Bosiocic Marin CRO 2570 – 6.5
8. GM Ganguly Surya Shekhar IND 2627 – 6
9. GM Petrosian Tigran L ARM 2661 – 6
10. GM Papaioannou Ioannis GRE 2597 – 6
Click here to view the complete list.

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