Sunday, August 26, 2012

Chess Olympiad 2012

Hello everyone and welcome to the traditional countdown to theChess Olympiad on! Today we move from minute to minute reports, to reporting directly from the scene for you. This is the first photo report, with pictures from Istanbul, the playing hall, and the atmosphere 2 days before the start of the Olympiad.
The playing hall of the 2012 Chess Olympiad is ready. During the Chessdom visit today, the sound system was getting a final check and the banners and posters were being installed on the walls.
The games will take place in a spacious hall with comfortable space between tables and a spectators zone. Flags of all the 162 participating countries (Olympiad record, see more here) are dominating the ceiling landscape. There is a scoreboard next to each table, and plasma screens for the audience.
Right outside the playing hall is a foyer with coffee bar for everyone that has inside and outside part.
See the full plans of the playing hall with details at this earlier Olympiad 2012 update

The way from the airport to the hotels, sunny Istanbul greets all coming participants

The marina close to the hotel with many VIP boats and great coffee houses (view from one balcony of the hotel)

The entrance of the playing hall

With a spiderman style roof on top

The general arrangement of the Open section

The flags dominating the ceiling landscape

Another part of the playing hall

A greeting by the Prime Minister Recep Erdogan is meeting the players

and another greeting, this time by the Minister of Youth ans Sports. Both posters showing the momentum chess has gained in Turkey in the past years

The scoreboards, on which the current results will be displayed

The future favorite place of the players, the coffee bar

The outside part of the coffee bar with people enjoying the beautiful weather in Istanbul

View from the terrace of the playing hall

Among the coverage team are the Chess TV journalists, who will be making the live video just like during the WCC match Anand - Gelfand

The press team of the Chess Olympiad 2012

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