Monday, July 25, 2011

Fide's partial rating

Player after meeting a minimum of three rated opponents, scores at least one point, his partial rating is started. According to rules until june 30, he has to play at least three rated opponents in each of the subsequent tournaments to complete the list of nine players, to get rating.

As per the new rule, which is player-friendly, a player having a partial rating, even if he meets only one rated player in each of his subsequent tournaments, the results will be included for calculation of his rating. Thus, a player starts his partial rating by meeting 3 rated players and scores a minimum of one point. Subsequently, even if he meets one rated player only one in each of the next 6 tournaments, he will get rating,(subject to fufilling other conditions)

-CHESS MATE         

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Update!

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